We love these cute matching maxi's that my momma helped me make! She cut and sewed. We wore them. Hooray for team work!

Aaron and I can just sit there and stare at her. She is getting so big, my heart is excited and sad all at the same time. I'm wondering if others must feel this about their growing little ones. I love this not-a-newborn-not-yet-a-toddler stage. Let's get real, I know that I'll love it all. But I assure you, life isn't always a walk in the park. It can get hard. Like, really hard. Whoever says, 'Ohhh, just wait until they get older and then you'll see how hard it is' must have forgotten what it's like to have an infant. We had one of those melt-down moments today. You know, when they're screaming with all of those vocal chords. And it's the cry that tells you they are in dyer pain. Completely heart-breaking to listen to. And it happened while we were at church during sacrament meeting. Where else, of course.
In other news, I am simply trying to make all of her wildest dreams come true with endless peek-a-boo games, baby pool visits, and unlimited toys to eat for a total of 25 seconds each.
My world is my daughter. She's changed my life and made it clear that love truly is unconditional. Her happiness is my happiness. And in all honesty, I now understand why my own mother must love me so much. Something about becoming a parent makes the whole "parent-child relationship thing" work. All of this reminds me to try and be the best person I can be, I don't ever want to forget that she is watching me. The thought of my purpose for her as her hero has softened my immature heart so many times. The way I am will greatly determine the woman she grows up to be.
(her eyes just sparkle in the light...they are so gorg!)
Truly, a daughter is a blessing and could quite possibly grow up to be your best friend. What a wonderful thought!
Yours truly, Me