Ever since Aaron submitted his dental school application on the first week of May we have been waiting for that acceptance email. Well, last year he managed to throw an application together a few weeks before the October deadline once I decided to turn down my dental hygiene school acceptance.
Here's Aaron before he took the DAT(Dental Admissions Test.) His anxiety isn't hard to see in his smile.
A weeks worth of good luck notes during his final days of studying and this sugar-laden beauty must have been his lucky charm. He scored a fabulous score! On the day of his exam, I remember working on a patient while at at work and suddenly getting that feeling that someone was staring at me. I looked up and turned back to see Aaron sitting near the toothbrushing station. EEKkk!! He didn't want to tell me his score over the phone and so I had thought I would have to wait until I got home after work. I'm pretty sure I still had my mask on when I jump up onto him and kissed him after he showed me his score. He studied for almost a month, mind you. Goodness. Such fun times.

Of course we prayed and fasted and prayed that we could get in after his first application but we understood that simply not enough effort and preparation had gone in that round, even though his stats looked great. So, we were really excited and confident about this year's application process. But the thing is, you can have all the right grades, service opportunities, contacts, blah blah, and STILL not get in because the competition varies each year AND ultimately, it may not be where Heavenly Father needs you to be that year. By Aaron having a year in between BYU and dental school has given us a LOT of spoiled time together. We drive to work together, have lunch together, and play in the evenings. Honestly, I can't complain with how things have turned out. It's funny how things always end up that way. Roadblocks and train wrecks collide into you with such terrible blows. And it gets really tough. I can't say I'm a fan of things not turning out the way I had planned. But a few things I can be certain of is that my Heavenly Father always has a plan for me. It's designed by someone perfect who loves me more than anything. And it will always entail emotional/spiritual growth, lessons learned, and a deeper love and understanding developed between me and my spouse. Obviously, this growth only happens if I embrace the change and let it sink into my heart.
It's moments like these when I remember that I'm always taken care of and that I know things are good. Really good.
No matter what.
Decemeber 1 is the day the dental schools all over the nation begin sending there acceptances out to students. Aaron applied to all 3 dental schools in Texas. He interviewed at Houston and Baylor. We've been hearing that San Antonio is sort of a cut-throat school. Professors are mostly from the military and classmates aren't super helpful towards each other. It's kind of ironic because his #1 choice was San Antonio prior to everything. He loved the technology available at the Houston branch. They are rebuilding the entire school and it will be completed 2012. It sure is amazing. Baylor students seems to have a really good relationship in the school. It's the cheapest school in Texas by 10-20k.
Not to mention my family and friends are there, too!
We knew that Baylor sends out there acceptances at 12:00am on Dec. 1, my on-top-of-everything brother, Spencer, told us. Aaron said he didn't want to wake up in the middle of the night. I did. So, I set my alarm at 12:30am, only to reason myself out of the adventure with a fear that I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep. In the middle of the night I wake-up to a text message ring tone. EEEkkk!! I turn over to see Aaron sneakily under the covers texting someone. I ripped the covers off of him only to see him grinning. I looked down at the phone and see that someone had sent him a text saying "Any news?"
MY MOTHER. Then, I quickly turn my eyes to his response that read "BAYLOR!!!"
AaaHHHH! I screamed and was so so so excited. Pinch me pinch me pinch me!
We called my parents to share the excitement and giddiness. But, Spencer had also interviewed with Baylor and he had told me some fears and concerns he had about getting accepted. Natural feelings that always seem to creep in. I asked my parents "Did Spencer get in??!" ...no response. Now, I know my parents well enough to know they would have said no right away if he hadn't heard from Baylor. We screamed and said "He DID?!?!" I heard my mom or dad slip a snicker-ish laugh and Aaron and I both freaked out again. Aaron and Spencer spent their last year at BYU taking classes and studying together and have really grown to love become tight with each other. It's cute. I know they are so excited for this.
We hung up the phone with my parents to call Spencer. We joked around with him for a few seconds when Aaron responded to Spencer with "Well, we heard you got some good news", completely implying we hadn't received an acceptance. We were really excited for each others fabulous news. Then, Spencer said "Have you said a prayer together?" Aaron and I looked at each other, still in bed, and said "No." Spencer immediately hung up on us. Haha, what a great reminder. We had just listened to the talk by President Monson with the subject being "An Attitude of Gratitude". In his talk, he gives the parable of the 10 Lepers. I appreciate the impact of that story. It reveals so much about our Heavenly Father. I love it I love it.
We haven't heard from Houston yet. At this point, I don't mind. We have a lot of positive and comfortable feelings towards moving to Dallas to attend Baylor. A funny and completely ransom note, I may be the only one but does it not sound a little 'off' when wives will say about their husband's accomplishments "We got into or are in medical/dental school..."? Hm. But, as I think about it, husbands will say "We're pregnant!" We all know, the man definitely isn't the pregnant one.
So, I'm completely comfortable in saying that we're going to dental school. He can keep the diploma ; ) Aaron had a ball giving phone calls to most of his family and friends to share his good news. I'm proud of who he is, the trials he has overcome with the help of his Savior, the example he is to me with showing a spouse unconditional love.
Thank you for loving me like the way I want to love myself.
Congrats Dr. Aaron M. Crossley DDS ;-)
Yours truly, Me